Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Would expanding oil production in the gulf of Mexico help with the oil crisis?

I would think it would be a good idea, but Obama opposes this and I wondered if there was a good reason.Would expanding oil production in the gulf of Mexico help with the oil crisis?
With OIL prices at 120 dollars a barrel and no reasonable alternatives available in next 10 years--we are idiots for not drilling every where we can ----

The Chinese and Cubans are drilling off our continental shelf.

YET we sit here and worry about US COMPANIES polluting our beaches--Try getting China to pay for cleanups along the FLORIDA COAST!

ANWAR is the size of South Carolina and the oil companies want a few thousand acres to explore and bring on line---yet we balk at the destruction of the pristine MISQUOTE breeding grounds and making ELK walk another few hundreds yards across frozen tundra to go around a drilling rig!--And the oil companies will spend their money--hire American workers and pay taxes for the OIL they pull out!

We limit import of Sugar base ethanol from Brazil to keep the farmers in IOWA happy so we can pay for corn based ethanol--which cost as much in energy to produce as we get out of it.---Sugar based ethanol gives up six time the energy it cost to make.

ULTIMATELY--I think we need to go NUKE and use BiODIESEL( algae based Bio-Diesel has the ability to move us off petroleum as a whole.) ---Solar and wind if they can be done competitively with other energy --without Government subsidies.

Anybody who thinks DRILLING IN ANWAR is a bad IDEA is just WRONG.---Even if it only gets ONE BARREL of OIL out of the ground in ten years---it will at least get ONE BARREL OUT!--and it's not your money--It's EXXON'S--and they think it is worth it!--so let them go!

Just remember---other countries are using up those resources off shore and building up their economies and secure thier energy needs---WHILE the US sits on it's butt watching those countries gobble up all the prime energy sources--WE ARE JUST IDIOTS for letting them do this!Would expanding oil production in the gulf of Mexico help with the oil crisis?
Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and ANWR would take at least 10 years + to produce anything, and even at the BEST estimates all the reserves would be used up 10 years after that.

So in the long term it is utterly pointless, we should spend our money developing other sources of energy completely.
Not really.

The oil crisis is not going away.

The only hope is getting the oil men out of government and putting all our attention into conservation and alternative energy development.

But of course Republicans refuse to understand this, Republicans run the country, and so: the energy crisis is not going away.

Human stupidity is amazing.
yes but as with all things oil doesn't become gasoline until it is refined and we can't refine more oil. mr doodles
Yes, in the long run it would. We also have to build new refineries and nuclear reactors. There is no quick fix, but we have to start soon.
There are many off shore rigs out there that they could work with to go other directions in search for other veins. I have no idea why Obama would oppose it. Except for the fact we are short on refineries that take the crude and make it into usable fuel. I do believe we need more refineries. The ones we have are old and working at full capacity.
In the short term, no. In the long term, yes. And not just the gulf of Mexico. We should also be drilling in ANWR in Alaska, and off both coasts.

Increasing domestic oil supply should be incredibly obvious as a necessary thing, yet the Dems in Congress have been fighting it for decades. We'd have all that oil pumping and in our supply now if not for them.

Keijer down below gave a fantastic answer. Great job!
Ecology and violation of Mexican sovereignity. US can't make that decision. So my answer is NO!
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