Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What is a REALISTIC solution to the looming global oil crisis?

I am talking about nuclear, coal or shale. From the little I know, wind, solar %26amp; wave could not sustain global civilisation as we know it.What is a REALISTIC solution to the looming global oil crisis?
I guess hydrogen is the long term goal, short to mid term I cant see past Nuclear. If wind, solar and wave worked it would be brilliant.What is a REALISTIC solution to the looming global oil crisis?
The only thing that is currently possible to replace oil is Nuclear energy. Coal and Shale come from the same source basically, they are like oil, also fossil fuels that we can run out of. Nuclear energy however is possibly a self recreating energy source. We don't have a way of controlling a Self sustained nuclear reaction at this time, but that is something that Scientists are studying right now.
I am a strong proponent of sustainable energy and maybe I can show you scinetifically that it can substantially substiute fossile fuels.

Sun is the most promising source. To give you a taste, a surface of 200.000 km2 would suffice to produce all the energy that the world needs. This surface iis smaller than that of Great Britain. The main problem is that sun is available particularly during summer and never over 24 hours.

However there is a type of plant, called solar thermodynamic plant (I have 3 patenets on this system so I do know it) that is cheap, works efficently over the 24 hours cycle and in therory could work smoothly also in winter.

The principle is simple: it concentrates solar radiation and heat a thermal vector (typically a fluid but it could be also something else) This heat can be stored and then used when necessary, even 6 months later, as long as the storage system is effcicent. As I said I designed an improved version of this type of plants that in particular allows to store heat for prolonged periods of time and whose price is competitive with that of oil
Waste incinerators fitted in homes which burn anything efficiently smoke free to heat water and central heating could be pricey but help remove all the plastic recycling vehicles from the roads. I bet a clean one could be made to fuel vehicles too.

But there isn't a crisis the Americans are purposely pushing the prices up and they must need loads for their war vehicles. Imagine the waste of it there no-one mentions the impact they have blowing things away and all their fighter planes, boats, trucks... etc And they have loads.

Hydrogen is the best.
there is no crisis the government made that up so the people can get taxed alot more we have plenty of oil to last at least 1000 years i know because i used to work for the government
Given today's technology, the solution is nuclear power with battery powered cars.

However, huge developments are being made in solar power and fusion.
'From the little I know, wind, solar %26amp; wave could not sustain global civilisation as we know it.'

A solution would be to improve the efficiency of these energy generating methods.
There is no easy solution. It would have to be a mixture of reduction of energy use and alternative sources
One of the less talked about theories at the moment is the whole zero point energy thing. This is obviously very theoretical at this point but it's being looked at so who knows.
I would say as todays technology is it must be nuclear
I seirusly donno but only reason im answering this is because your Avatar looks like what the buck from youtube xD
price or amount?

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