It is starting to effect me and my family!What is the US government doing about the oil crisis?
Nothing.What is the US government doing about the oil crisis?
check out the web site below and this will give you all agood insight into what is going on with the oil crisis.
The bottom line is, there is no crisis. We have more oil already drilled and capped in Alaska under Gull Island than all of Suadi Arabia. Read the full story below and see for yourself.
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Well, define oil crisis. We are not stretching thin for oil. We are just paying to much for it. There are two parts to this story. 1) The hippies wont let us build enough oil refineries to keep up with supply and demand. 2) The more obvious one, we are dealing with OPEC. OPEC hates the US. So, they charge more for oil.
The Democrat controlled Congress is still preventing the oil companies from drilling for more domestic oil and still refusing to allow more oil refineries to be built. Next time you see a Democrat politician, thank him or her for the high price of gas.
This is an oil administration-the price goes up,they get wealthier-its' really just that simple.One thing the new administration should consider,as a temporary stop gap,is removing the on Transport deisel fuel to help out the truckers-our lifeline;they do it for farmers.This would do much to slow rising prices for consumers.The fact is we do not have sufficient oil of our own;even if we drilled everywhere it would only slake our thirst for a few months or a couple of years at best.This is a typical Republican,short sited response and why they have no business running our energy policy.
nothing, but.. what can our government do ??
we don't have enough of our own oil (not even close)
BTW : Most experts think ..$ 4.00 per gallon is still low
because, gas will soon be ..$ 7.00 per gallon or higher.
and it wont stop there, it will continue to go up as the oil runs out.
Actually nothing with the exception of ';talking'; to the big oil companies to ';see if they are gouging'; us consumers. THESE POLITICIANS HAVE HELD BACK OUR FUTURE FOR OIL/GAS/ALTERNATIVE FOR YEARS. They all need to be replaced since they are NOT working for we the people. We are THEIR BOSS,
Just making it worse by preventing the drilling of oil in the US and the construction of new refineries.
Republicans want to drill for oil,Democrats say no and promises to someday deliver a viable alternative.
Nothing. The liberal/environmentalists won't let them do the one thing that would make a big difference. Congress will keep investigating though.
Uh? Still preventing us from increasing our refining capacity therefore keeping the prices through the roof. Every time you pump a gallon thank a democrat.
The same thing they're doing about dairy farms. Nuttin. They're businesses. Buy a bike.
Our government should have done something 30 years ago. Not sure if either party will do anything at this point.
giving oil companies tax breaks and sitting back on their hands while the public is suffering.
Nothing, big oil owns this government.
Lining their pockets.
They're part of it.
Same thing they have done for the last couple of decades - Nothing
We in the US have the tendency to blame the government or the industries for most of our socio-economic crisis. But the fact of the matter is we the people are mostly responsible for many of the crises. Take for instance - oil. If we start using less and produce more in this country, we have enough energy capability to become self-sufficient for eons at gas prices hovering a dollar or less. And I don't mean using alternative products such as corn and hay as substitues. Our problem seemed to be that when gas prices are low, many go back buying gas guzzling big cars and trucks. When the prices are high however, everyone scrambles to buy mini-cars. We also have this affinity for speed and power resulting in more consumption of gas. We like the feeling of motion so we use our huge powerful cars to drive around going no-where. We are used to this ';me-me-me'; syndrome, leave wherever I go and whenever I please. We often speed up to go someplace but ending up waiting when we get there. How many of us commute using huge heavy SUVs with one person on board? Whatever happened to car pooling? In retrospect the skyrocketing of gas prices lately is a waker-upper. We're back looking at alternatives once more. But I'm afraid that when gas prices go down even a bit, we'll be right back to our old wasteful ways. But we do have the technology and the source to become totally independent of foreign oil. We have expertise to maximize on re-usable power such as solar and wind. We can build more nuclear power plants and have the technology for the safe disposal of the resulting nuclear waste. With the cooperation of our environmentalist friends, we can expand drilling for off shore oil and in Alaska. As commuters we don't need more energy efficient cars, rather we need less number of cars on our freeways. We should concentrate on an effective public transportation system maximizing on use of busses, trains, trolleys and bullet trains. We have wasteful air transport system. Our planes often fly less than half full. We should adopt the use of jumbo jets on short commuter flights whereby planes leave every hour on the hour at low ticket prices. Most families have two or more automobiles. Most of the trips made are short commutes such as errands to the store or picking up kids from school. Why not have one of the vehicles be an electric or air powered (evolution by France) cars which have the range and the speed apropriate for this type activity. For longer more sustained trips, use the gas powered cars.
Our biggest single drawback is our lack of discipline. We're used to easy freedom of the road. It's going to have an impact on our way of life but the alternative is to continue along our expensive ways. Many of us complaining about fuel prices are also energy stock holders. So to go against the oil companies is to go against our pocketbooks. As the eaying goes, ';not in my backyard';. Further, look at the quality of people we often put in office? The best qualified is never on the ballot. Politicians will not go against the oil conglomorates who often support their candidacies. And what will our government say to the Middle Eastern when we no longer need their oil.
Summary: We have the solution to the oil crisis. IF WE USE IT LESS AND USE IT WISELY, there is nothing that the government and the oil industry can do but to drop prices.
what oil crisis?? There is plenty of oil. The price is high because of the economy.
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