Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How prepared were you for an oil crisis? Your family? How prepared was your immediate community?

During a crisis, being properly prepared for an emergency can make all the difference. The same can be said for having a strong network of friends and families that can face a difficult situation together.

Who do you have to turn to? How have those people responded?

What has your community done to in order to limit suffering and other long-term problems?How prepared were you for an oil crisis? Your family? How prepared was your immediate community?
There is no crisis yet. Gas is only $4 a gallon. I don't care about my community.How prepared were you for an oil crisis? Your family? How prepared was your immediate community?
I don't think anyone in the general population was prepared or had a clue.I know I wasn't and didn't and I watch several news a day.I don't think my community has done anything.We will depend on ourselves as anyone I know is not any better off as for being prepared.We will manage,that is what you do.
I've lived within 7.5 miles of work for 18 years and own a bike.

Oh, there is no crisis. It's the law of supply and demand (Economics 101). Everybody who blindly hops in their big gas guzzling SUV and heads up the road at 80 mph has no right to complain about high gas prices or 'think' there is a 'crisis'.

IF you want the price to come down, USE LESS OF IT.
totally unprepared.

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