Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Oil Crisis?

So what does everyone think about this Oil Crisis? Where do you think it is going and why is it happening so fast?Oil Crisis?
You seem to be asking for prophesies, let me look into the crystal ball again:

- Some powerful nation will try to take over the oil-rich countries.

- Many people will die to prevent or protect the supply to the powerful major industralised nations.

- Supply runs out. The powerful nation will stubbornly insist there's more oil towards the centre of the earth (the same way they insisted they went to the moon)

- They attempt to get specimens, and trigger a major explosion - in the centre of the earth.

- We all die in a big fireball.

It is running out eventually... The demand continues to increase and the prices will rise... whether you like it or not.

Oh God... Help us. We are all gonna dieeeeeeee....Oil Crisis?
My God... I guess people really find drama and death entertaining. Report Abuse

There is no oil crisis! The crisis is the American economy and the fact that oil is traded with the US dollar. As the economy weakens the dollar weakens and as a result the price of oil increases. 9 trillion in debt with an increasing deficit.

George Bush is backrupting America and American's are doing nothing about it. Because America dontrol much of the world it is taking the world down with it.. Into a global recession or depression.
well as 4 y oil crisis is happening...................

well i guess its coz of the development which is taking place around the world..............our dependency on fuels has increased...the world's biggest consumers of fuel ..according 2 me would be the united states....even though they r trying there level best 2 look 4 alternative sources ...but its stilll not sufficent 2 meet our needs...................

well the oil prices reachin $ 143.57 a barrel......many pumps in india have dried.....truckers go in 4 a strikr this friday..........i dont know where we heading
It's happening so fast because the world is growing at a rapid pace and our wonderful government has not made producing our own oil a priority, nor have they utilized a more renewable resource.

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