Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What monkey is calling the shots in regards to this oil crisis thing?

I heard on the news this evening, we're looking at a price hike of 30 cents for regular gas by mid April. Yet, there is no signs of any production increase anytime before this happens.

Anyone else kind of wondering what is going to happen?What monkey is calling the shots in regards to this oil crisis thing?
I am starting to believe that the planet of the apes is upon us.What monkey is calling the shots in regards to this oil crisis thing?
Doncha love it?

I drive a 10 year old Explorer that's paid for-- and get 25 MPG, but even that seems too little for the price of gas lately...

But I can't afford a new vehicle right now. Its sucks.

Unfortunately, it isn't monkeys. It is greedy, greedy people. They know we will pay and so they take advantage.
Ya gotta cut your dependance on foreign crude oil its as simple as that and also invest in hydrogen fuel cell technology and bring the EVA-1 back .In Europe they pay 2.40 per litre for petrol in Australia it's 1.40 and the U.S.A. 80 cents per litre (so it could go up by more than 300% in a few years, frightening?)
That would be a Bush monkey. I know what will happen, we will pay dearly until another president is elected.
The greedy snakes who run the oil companies are behind it all. I also agree with Kris. Let's hope the country isn't ruined by the time we get that IDIOT out of the white house.

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