Very little. And invading Iraq did more to increase our dependence on foreign oil.
The Saudi's alone, own more than a trillion dollars worth of the US. You could walk around for days in NYC in buildings owned by *one* saudi. That buys a lot of political power and propaganda. Mr George W Bush, and his father, have done business with the Saudi's for 30 years. But we can't talk about that, sshhh.What measures have governments taken to reduce our dependence on the middle-east since the 1973 oil crisis?
They have done nothing but political posturing, restricting drilling and completely barring all new refineries.
Invading Iraq????? Where's the oil that the marxists democrats said that we went there for and stole from them???? The left can't show one drop of oil that we stole from their beloved terrorist nation!
I was twenty in 73', I remember the mess all to well. Well, two or three years ago GM announced they were coming out with a new line of full sized vehicles. Is that what you meant?
We've done next to nothing. Contrary to popular opinion, not a single oil company applied to the federal government to build a new refinery since 76'. As we all now know with decades of hindsight, there was no oil shortage. There is none now. If you could control a commodity that almost everyone on earth used, wouldn't you? Why would you spend any money you didn't deem necessary? Why would you create more supply when better yet, you could create more demand? Before OPEC squeezed our balls, ( assisted by our own government and oil industry ) gasoline was really cheap. I remember gas wars in 70/71 where gas was fifteen, fourteen, thirteen cents a gallon, depending on how many gas stations were at an intersection. We are being raped by our government and this administration and the oil industry in this country is gleefully playing along with them and they're all laughing all the way to the bank.
Absolutely NOTHING. This debate has been going on for too too long. IF our Politicians would have let this Country go after its own resources way back when, we would NOT be in the predicament we are now.
LET'S GET OUR OWN RESOURCES, period. Not to do so, is just plain stupidity. I fully blame our Politicians for the crisis we are approaching fast. We CAN get our own oil/gas/coal and STILL go after alternatives. Nothing else, in my opinion, will do.
I further am beginning to believe, that the socialists in our Political arena WILL BRING THIS COUNTRY TO ITS KNEES in short time.
Let's take back our Country, take back our Government by VOTING WISELY FOLKS. That means voting for those OTHER THAN THE CHOICE BETWEEN THE TWO EVILS. (We have been doing this for how long now, and look where it has gotten us and our Country)
Investing in the Russian, Canadian, and Mexican oil industries. (referring to right after the oil crises)
Ronnie said no to expanded drilling, as did DADDY, %26amp; little georgie has gone along with the neocon agenda.
Fuel efficient cars (government mandated).
you got my answer
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